Avoid Gaining ‘Excess Baggage’ From Your Holiday


“ Post holidays blues are made far worse with added dread of stepping on the scales only to see the damage that’s been done. But what if there was a way to stay on track with your weight loss goals while still enjoying your time away?”

Dieting and holiday don’t usually mix well. Isn’t the point of vacation to let your hair down and treat yourself? Most people decide the best thing to do is have a ‘holiday’ from dieting…..with no dieting limitations or calorie counting you hit the all-inclusive buffet like a kid in a candy shop and top the evening off with a few Piña colada’s for good measure.

However, post holidays blues are made far worse with added dread of stepping on the scales only to see the damage that’s been done. But what if there was a way to stay on track with your weight loss goals while still enjoying your time away?

By being prepared you can make sure you still enjoy every moment of your holiday but without going overboard and undoing all your weight loss efforts. Here are my top tips to keep you from adding on the pounds while your away.

Pack Snacks

Letting yourself get too hungry is a recipe for disaster. By packing healthy snacks in your bag, you won’t be tempted by high calorie treats and expensive airport food. If you’re taking the car, pack up the esky with some healthy homemade lunch options (chicken salad, veggie sticks and & dips and some fresh fruit) rather than relying on limited and expensive food options at service stations.

Stay Active

Relaxing on the beach is a great way to unwind and de-stress but take the opportunity to explore on your holiday too! Find some local trails, take a hike or hire a bike. By sneaking in some exercise while your sight-seeing it’ll save you money and balance out those cocktails!

Keep Hydrated

Don’t forget to carry water! Bring your own water bottle which can be refilled during the day. Your morning coffee might wake you up but too much caffeine (and those glasses of wine at happy hour) will further dehydrate you. It’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger, so if you get hunger pangs don’t just reach for the nearest snack, ask yourself if you’re really hungry or could you just be thirsty?

Budget Your Alcohol

There’s no need to completely abstain from alcohol on your holiday but try avoid ‘all day drinking’ sessions. Keep it within moderation by setting a mental limit, for example a couple of glasses with dinner. As delicious as they are, watch out for calorie-laden cocktails like Mojito’s and Margarita’s and stick with a small glass of wine or a gin & tonic.

Pack A Picnic

Instead of eating out for every meal why not pack up a picnic with some healthy foods? Pop to the local deli or corner shop and pick some local foods and incorporate a picnic lunch or dinner into your sight-seeing plans!

Travelling offers incredible experiences and memories so don’t hold yourself back because of the fear you’ll gain weight during the trip. Make healthier choices and stay on track.


Laura York

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